Putting Artificial Intelligence in the hands of operators

Saving manpower, bandwidth, and improving decision-making

Automated threat behavior predictions. Reducing the cognitive load on the operator.

Artificial Intelligence at the Edge




MT-5 System Provides Real-Time Alerts in TAK and Provides Open Architecture Communications Integration including Tactical Radios

MT-5 ISN Day Alert and High Resolution Mouseover of Detected Object

MT-5 ISN Day and Thermal Alert

WinTAK Device receiving Real-Time MT-5 ISN Alerts

Gantz-Mountain Founders and Executive Management Team

Gantz-Mountain Intelligence Automation Systems Inc.’s was founded with the Founders and Executive Management Team having over 120 years of experience in pioneering high technologies and applications of automation and military activities. Over 90 years in high technologies, industrial, systems, military technologies, and over 60 years of military experience and expertise in Special Operations, and their applications of technologies. For over twenty years, the founders of Gantz-Mountain pioneered together a unique approach to AI and advanced behavior analysis and prediction.

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